Saturday, December 9, 2017

Canonical Reading Plan for Dec 10, Eph 4-6

Today’s readings are Eph 4-6.

In Eph 4, we see that God has given various spiritual gifts. These gifts are for the edification of the body. But, they’re also a testimony to its unity. Everyone has, at least, one gift. Christians should lead lifestyles that are marked by edification of each other and holiness. The primary way they express their unity is by becoming imitators of Christ.

Eph 5 tells us we have new life in His love and should put the things of our old life behind us. The evidence of our new lives will show up in how we submit one to another (Eph 5:20). The marriage relationship (Eph 5:22-33) is a primary example of what this submission looks like, it being a model of the relationship Christ has with His church. There is structure in marriage. But it is a structure of equals with each called to serve the other. The husband is the head. But both husband and wife are to treat each other as more important than themselves. So, it is with the church. The church is a witness to the world of the oneness we have in Christ.

In Eph 6:1-9 we see the same principles apply to children and parents, slaves and masters. In other words, these principles for living permeate every area of our lives.

Eph 6:10-18 is the familiar "Armor of God" passage. Many people see this as a passage about spiritual warfare. In truth, the only active part we are encouraged to play is to "stand firm." The passage is about becoming more like Christ to more effectively live in and work out the unity mentioned in the previous chapters. We're told to "put on and keep putting on" (the verbs imply continuous action) truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the word of God and unceasing prayer, all to resist the evil that would drag us back into our previous lifestyles and ruin our testimonies.

Ephesians is a powerful letter encouraging the church to walk in the unity it has in Christ while emulating Him in all things as a mark of the all-powerful God who sits in sovereign authority over all creation. Ephesians portrays a maturing church, well on its way toward being more like Christ, working together for the sake of the gospel and for the edification and nourishment of its members.

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